open note

5/16/24 a pangram or holoalphabetic sentence is a sentence using every letter of a given alphabet at least once. pangrams have been used to display typefaces, test equipment, and develop skills in handwriting, calligraphy, and typing.

5/14/24 in chess, en passant (french: "in passing") describes the capture by a pawn of an enemy pawn on the same rank and an adjacent file that has just made an initial two-square advance. The capturing pawn moves to the square that the enemy pawn passed over, as if the enemy pawn had advanced only one square. The rule ensures that a pawn cannot use its two-square move to safely skip past an enemy pawn.

4/23/24 zygotic: of, relating to, or existing as a zygote.
zygote: a diploid cell resulting from the fusion of two haploid gametes; a fertilized ovum.

4/21/24 the fibonacci sequence is a sequence in which each number is the sum of the two preceding ones. Numbers that are part of the Fibonacci sequence are known as Fibonacci numbers, commonly denoted Fn. The sequence commonly starts from 0 and 1, although some authors start the sequence from 1 and 1 or sometimes (as did Fibonacci) from 1 and 2. Starting from 0 and 1, the sequence begins: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, ...

4/11/24 agnosia is a rare disorder whereby a patient is unable to recognize and identify objects, persons, or sounds using one or more of their senses despite otherwise normally functioning senses.

4/8/24 a total solar eclipse occured today. a total solar eclipse happens when the moon passes between the sun and earth, completely blocking the face of the sun. people located in the center of the Moon's shadow when it hits earth will experience a total eclipse. the next total solar eclipse to occur in the contiguous U.S. won't be until Aug. 23, 2044, and will only shadow three states in its path, Montana and North and South Dakota, according to NASA.

4/7/24 the moment arm or lever arm is the perpendicular distance between the line of action of the force and the center of moments. apply this to my raiding to avoid wrist pain.