raiding research

raiding and drg opti resources will be housed here. this will be the main page for any sort of raid related information to go.

ffxiv raiding links

fflogs - the home for ffxiv raiding logs and parses

the balance discord - the go-to place for learning a job for the first time. has guides for each job and other useful info - similar to lalachievements but focuses more on raid history

xivpf - shows the current pf listings up - searchable per data center and region

icy veins ffxiv - has a lot of useful guides for jobs, news about the game, and other helpful raiding info - used to build and share gearsets

ffxiv raiding strats links

thepfstrat - a website that has the current aether pf strats for raiding

TOP pastebin has the NA PF TOP strats (credit - Sausage Roll)

DSR - has the NA PF DSR strats

TEA oldbin has the NA PF TEA oldbin strats

AAI pastebin - has the NA PF Alo Alo Island criterion dungeon strats

ffxiv raiding opti links

gcd delay timers - damage application delay spreadsheet

prepull lb gen guide vid - prepull lb gen guide vid (credit - FFXIV Caro Kann)

arp discord - anonymous raiding & parsing discord, a community that focuses on parsing. helps find other parsers, find parse parties, and get opti resources

pog carrd - pog (primal opti group), a community that focuses on opti strats that is based from the primal NA dc

log analysis

xivanalysis - a great tool that analyzes your fflog runs

fflogs dps explained - rdps vs adps vs ndps explained per fflogs

general raiding tips

general tips for raiding

  • ABC: always be casting. a classic tip of mmos raiding. even if you dont know what to do, you should always try to continue your rotation, even if you think you cant. always go down fighting
  • its more than just you: raiding is a team activity. your clear is possible due to the cordination of you and 7 other people. try to see other raiders as fellow allies that have the same objective as you. treating other raiders with respect goes a long way. but, always stand up for yourself. if someone disrespects you or mistreats you. you can always leave the pf or find a new static if it is best for you.
  • communication is key: raiding is a team sport that requires cordination with your static mates, constant communication is a must. communication is facilated to help decide on strats, discuss mitigation, or plan out a schedule. communication is also key in discussing mistakes - it is best for a static to address mistakes as they happen. if you are not comfortable talking in voice chat (discord), most statics are fine with you being muted and typing in party chat
  • embrace studying: raiding is a lot of prep work. by knowing your rotation, the boss fight, and mitigation ahead of time, it will make raid more smooth and consistent. raiding requires a lot of memorization, and by studying ahead of time it helps solidify that memorization
  • mechanical ability: the biggest foundational skill that any raider needs is good mechanical ability. good mechanical ability entails that a raider can react to mechanics quickly, can adjust to unexpected mess-ups quickly, and if they mess up they can adapt and fix it quickly. mechanical ability can be trained and practiced of course, but the key to this skill is consistency. the best raiders are always consistent mechanically, but note everyone has their bad days, even the best of us can mess up or have days where we play not as well
  • job comfort will allow you to be more mechanically aware: if you are very comfortable with your job rotation, it will allow you to pay more attention to fight mechanics. this is helpful in a prog environment where mechanics are new to you
  • (bonus tip) find your purpose: what is your purpose for raiding? to get the best loot in the game? to play with your friends? to experience all the content? to become one of the best raiders of all time? i find that i am more motivated and passionate about raiding when i remind myself of my purpose for raiding. i feel like reminding yourself why you want to raid will keep you grounded, and will help you fight burnout during rough raid nights
dragoon opti links

tethercalc - analyzes a log to determine who was the ideal tether partner for each of the dragoon's dragon sight

dragoon planner spreadsheet - dragoon planner spreadsheet (credit - The Balance Discord)

drg spreadsheet base - drg spreadsheet base for mapping abilities (credit - Jackal Ka'tui)

general dragoon tips

dragoon tips as of EW 6.5

  • always use your buffs off cooldown: never hold your buffs for any reason unless you are doing opti, or you have another dragoon in your party
  • always use your high jump and geirskogul off cooldown: these two ogcd abilites are the keys to entering life, which is a huge part of dragoon's potency. never drift these abilities, and if they are drifted, maintain the same differential and try not to drift further
  • dragoon tether prio: always tether the dps player that does the highest personal damage. in current meta this will be typically sam>mnk/nin>rpr/drg>blm>dnc/brd. you can use tether calc to help you determine who to tether based off of your fflog. sometimes you will need to tether someone that you typically wont naturally think to tether. in most cases, always tether a melee dps player, then blm, then phys ranged, then caster, then tank, then healer. the best course to always take is to tether off cooldown and use a macro, never drift your tether. its better to do your dragon sight off cd with the 2nd best target than to drift it for 2+ gcds for a better target. one gcd of drift is managable and fine in a prog setting, but would not be acceptable in an opti environment
  • if another player that provides party buffs (ie. mnk, rpr, nin, drg, dnc, brd, smn, rdm, sch, ast) is very noticably late on their buffs, like 2-3+ gcds, just send yours and dont try to wait for them: if someone is really drifted its more ideal to just keep on sending yours depending on kt (if, for example, you kill around XX:10-XX:20 it would be ideal to not drift your 2min buffs so you can get more usages in the last 2mins). if they are like 1 gcd late, its also fine to just keep on sending your buffs off cd. the only instance where you would want to realign with them would be in an opti setting and you are all trying to align buffs to feed as much as possible within the buff windows. in casual content this isnt too important, you can choose to realign or to keep on sending off cd. but generally as a drg you always want to keep on sending buffs of cd, never wait for anyone
other raiding links

faux hollows spreadsheet - helps you find the faux w/o plugins

act setup guide



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