snotball history records
snot factions

within the snotballs there are numerous factions

snot loyalists - snotballs loyal to sneer. they normally use veryCat and glorp in chat

ta'ers - the ta'ers are snotballs that like or spam ta. ta is ta. ta is a weird looking catipillar smoking a blunt. ta'ers embrace chaos, banding together as a hivemind, and being silly in chat

fat duckasses - the fat duckasses are snotballs that like or spam duckass or wideduckass. they like grooving to music, taunting sneer, and shaking ass

dancin hogs - the dancin hogs are snotballs that like or spam ahmadmusin. ahmadmusin is a dancing hedgehog. dancin hogs like being silly, distracting sneer, and dancing for any reason

more snot factions are said to exist, however insufficient evidence has been recorded in history

snotball history

the snotballs began popping up on earth at the start of 2022. affected populations are primarily raiders, nerds, goons, outcasts, tryhards, despairers, weebs, and meowers.

the snotballs are a relatively neutral group. there has been no recorded wars between the snotballs and other entities, rather the snotballs have been hired by third parties as mercanaries. however, there has been some history of infighting within the snotballs. the snot factions constantly vie for power within the snot hivemind, with the snot loyalists the primary power holder, headed by sneer.

snotball current operations

the snotballs are based at the snot shelter, owned and operated by sneer

shelter location: XXXXX XXXXXXX ocean drive, XXXXXXX XXXXX XXX 44402

snot operations - sneer manages the shelter and the operations within it. a skeleton crew of sneer and her most loyal snotballs defend and supervise the shelter. snotballs who enlist into the snot army can choose to work as shelter guards, or pledge to be reserve snotballs. snotballs can choose to join the mercanary team personally lead by sneer. merc and guard snots are determined by rank and tenure, with higher ranked snotballs recieving more difficult missions.

// return back to the living room //